Abbott ‘Tre’ Bray, Lexington Two

Name: Abbott “Tre” Bray District: Lexington Two
Contact information:

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School Board Trustee Duties

1. Why are you running for School Board Trustee?

There are too few strong conservative voices (and votes) in the education system. I feel obligated to run for reelection.

2. What is the most important issue facing your school district today or a key problem you want to address?

Not putting kids first by not instilling discipline within students and fiscal conservatism within the budget process.

3. If you could make only one change, what would you advocate?

Year round school (and maybe push for a few highly-needed terminations)

4. What knowledge and skills are currently lacking that you will bring to your School Board of Trustees?

Any bit of business-sense! Also, there is an overall misunderstanding of budgets within and outside of the district.

5. What does the word “stakeholder” mean to you?

Any constiutent, child, business owner in the district, and any employee.

6. How do you plan to communicate with constituents and how accessible will you be?

I have a strong track record of being highly-accessible via phone, email, and on social media (mostly Facebook)

7. Have you supported millage increases in the past and what are the circumstances where you would support them in the future?

Yes. Lex 2 is behind the competitive curve. However, I have also voted against many budgets because the spending is frivolous.

8. What should be the top funding priorities?

Number 1 priority needs to be towards reading! But we need to quit wasting money on "teacher coaches."

9. It is difficult to get an IEP or 504 for Special Education. How would you address this and how would you support Special Education?

In my 4 years, there has not been a lot of policy we could work to address IEPs and 504s. Most of that is at the State-level.

10. What are your thoughts on the budget proviso requiring use of restrooms and changing facilities based on birth sex?

Advocated for it and 100% support it.

11. Would you make any changes to your district's policy on challenging instructional materials, and if so, what would those changes be?

Only change left we have to make is to increase the hurdles to buying/approving new books/insructional materials that come into the district. We need to fix the leak!

12. Teachers often complain about the lack of discipline in the classroom, stating that many times students are sent to the principal’s office and promptly returned to the classroom, where the student continues to disrupt the class. As a board member, how would you address student discipline through policy?

I would move all teaching coaches and "extra" roles to the alternative school. We would then use the alternative school as middle ground where kids can quickly be sent, but can also clearly work themselves back to their home school. In public school, simply kicking a kid out or putting them on suspension does no good because you are still responsible. But just leaving them in the classroom disrupts everyone.


13. What has been your involvement at a school level and at a Board of Trustee or district level? 14. How many board meetings have you attended in person and over how long?

I've been a trustee for 4 years.

15. Have you spoken during citizens’ participation? If so, how often and what topics did you address?

16. Have you made SC FOIA records requests for information? If so, what information were you seeking?

17. Have you served on any district boards or committees? If so, which ones?

Get to Know You

18. Do you have kids currently enrolled in public schools? If so, which schools do they attend? If they have graduated, what schools did they attend?

Yes. Both children are at Saluda River Academy of the Arts (elementary)

19. What is your current occupation and are your hours flexible?

DOD Program Manager; Yes.

20. What other occupations have you held, if any?

Combat Veteran

21. How much time do you plan to invest each week in board-related activities?

On average, about 6 hours a week.

22. Please list your community involvement – previous and current.

SOAR soccer and football coach
Highly involved in Cayce Politics


23. In an age where partisan politics have crept into K-12 classrooms and boards, how would you describe your position on partisan politics?

I, as with most others, would describe me as a Christian Conservative


24. Please include any other relevant information not mentioned above.


Brian Habing, Lexington Two


Cliff Springs, Lexington Two