Jason Baynham, Richland Five
Name: Jason Baynham District: Richland 5
Contact Information:
Email: Jason@JBaynhamforDistrict5.com Phone number: 803-634-2367
Website: jbaynhamfordistrict5.com
Social Media: Facebook: JBaynhamforDistrict5
School Board Trustee Duties
1. Why are you running for School Board Trustee?
For our Teachers, Students, Parents and Taxpayers. For fiscal constraint and better use of taxpayer funds. To provide better pay to our teachers and provide safer learning environments for our students.
2. What is the most important issue facing your school district today or a key problem you want to address?
Teacher pay and retention. Student safety and discipline. Focusing on student achievement and learning.
3. If you could make only one change, what would you advocate?
Focusing on student achievement and learning.
4. What knowledge and skills are currently lacking that you will bring to your School Board of Trustees?
I am a small business owner with over 10 years of retail management experience. I am experienced in problem-solving and conflict resolution. I understand spending within a budget vs. spending that takes funds away from classrooms, students and teachers. I will understand contracts and finances and will be ready to make tough decisions.
5. What does the word “stakeholder” mean to you?
Anyone who has an interest in the district through being a taxpayer, parent or an employee of the district. Parents are the primary stakeholder of children.
6. How do you plan to communicate with constituents and how accessible will you be?
I plan to utilize the district provided email platform. I also will update through social media posts and videos. I also will be available by district provided phone. While running I am using my personal cell, campaign emails, my website and Facebook to interact. Also meeting voters by canvassing and attending events with voters.
7. Have you supported millage increases in the past and what are the circumstances where you would support them in the future?
NO. I currently would not support raising millage rates. We as a district are not currently using the approved borrowed funds properly now. I don’t view millage increases ever being necessary, certainly considering our large amount of funds already collected.
8. What should be the top funding priorities?
Safety and infrastructure improvements, along with Teacher pay and retention programs. Funding classrooms and learning are the most important.
9. It is difficult to get an IEP or 504 for Special Education. How would you address this and how would you support Special Education?
I am the parent of a special needs student. We have had a good experience with the district special needs program and therapies. I aim to increase funding and programs for special ed and how best to serve this community. The Screaming Eagles Special Needs Athletics is a gem of a program and would be great to expand and improve throughout the district.
10. What are your thoughts on the budget proviso requiring use of restrooms and changing facilities based on birth sex?
Much needed clarification. We in no way should allow diSerent sexes in the same bathrooms or locker rooms based on how a student feels. They should use the bathroom aligned with birth sex and nothing diSerent.
11. Would you make any changes to your district's policy on challenging instructional materials, and if so, what would those changes be?
We have a new state proviso that lays out a chain of how material is to be approved and then challenged if deemed inappropriate by a parent. Our policy needs to line up with state law. Libraries and classrooms should have age-appropriate materials that also do not pit students against each other.
12. Teachers often complain about the lack of discipline in the classroom, stating that many times students are sent to the principal’s office and promptly returned to the classroom, where the student continues to disrupt the class. As a board member, how would you address student discipline through policy?
We should implement a three-strike rule and all schools with judgment deferral to in school administration. Secondary schools may have egregious exceptions for violent encounters that will result in expulsion. (I feel this may need refinement with more specificity)
13. What has been your involvement at a school level and at a Board of Trustee or district level?
I have attended all but two board meetings this calendar year. I have met with diSerent board members, talked with various community members and teachers about opportunities. I have been involved since 2013 through our children's schools and programs.
14. How many board meetings have you attended in person and over how long?
2024, I have attended every meeting except two and viewed online due to scheduling conflict. Every two weeks.
15. Have you spoken during citizens’ participation? If so, how often and what topics did you address?
I spoke during the May board meeting of this year in reference to teacher pay and retention programs and why they are being neglected in favor of less-important expenditures.
16. Have you made SC FOIA records requests for information? If so, what information were you seeking?
I have not to date.
17. Have you served on any district boards or committees? If so, which ones?
Get to Know You
18. Do you have kids currently enrolled in Lexington-Richland Five? If so, which schools do they attend? If they have graduated, what schools did they attend?
We have three daughters attending Dutch Fork High School, Dutch Fork Middle School and Oak Pointe Elementary School.
19. What is your current occupation and are your hours flexible? I am the owner of Jason’s Landscaping and Containers.
Yes, flexible hours.
20. What other occupations have you held, if any?
Retail Manager and Sales Consultant.
21. How much time do you plan to invest each week in board-related activities?
Whatever is needed.
22. Please list your community involvement – previous and current.
I am currently serving as part of the Praise and Worship Team at Dutch Fork Church in Ballentine. I also prepare meals for the Senior adult group during various times during the year for their monthly lunch. I also serve on our Rose Oaks Neighborhood HOA board as Secretary.
23. In an age where partisan politics have crept into K-12 classrooms and boards, how would you describe your position on partisan politics?
I am and have always been a Conservative Republican.
24. Please include any other relevant information not mentioned above.
I have been involved in our schools even when I don’t serve in particular positions. I have forged great relationships with all stakeholders in the district. I bring a unique perspective to improve special needs, and I am the most public, transparent candidate you will see.
Lexington-Richland Five - Specific
Do you support districted school board of trustee seats within each county? Why or why not?
Yes, for fair representation to the voters geographically and closer to them.
2. Are you in favor of electing officers by secret ballot or voice vote?
I don’t have a preference. Robert’s Rules indicate that a secret ballot is the default and that can prevent bullying in officer elections. Open elections are transparent to the public.
3. Do you support standing committees? If so, what would those committees be?
Yes, to allow more detailed discussion on pressing issues. Most certainly finance, building and instructional materials.
4. Do you support hiring an internal auditor? Why or why not? Do you support being briefed on district finances during monthly meetings?
We definitely need an auditor and will need to be briefed on finances at every meeting. Our auditor was removed last year and that was a mistake.
5. What are your thoughts on redrawing attendance lines to accommodate more students?
We are currently undergoing a redrawing of lines to accommodate growth. If done with minimal disruption to current lines, it is acceptable.
6. What are your thoughts on the $240M bond referendum on the November ballot?
There are many needed safety items and much needed repairs proposed within the referendum. There are also unneeded projects and programs that will take away dollars from students and teachers. The long-term maintenance costs were never presented to the board and public. Should this referendum pass, it is vital that I am one of the trustees to oversee the finances and spending.
7. Do you support the current millage rate for operations? Why or why not?
No, we consistently have overage in the fund balance that is then used on non-emergent issues. Fiscal responsibility must be restored. We need to lower property taxes or hold steady.
8. Do you support the current millage rate for bonds? Why or why not?
No more borrowing until we clean house and straighten our financial books within the district. We are overpaying contractors for unnecessary change orders and overpaying vendors for services.
9. Do you believe Lexington-Richland 5 would benefit from engaging in another forensic audit? Why or why not?
Absolutely we would. There have been years of mismanagement of bond money borrowed and in house approval of contracts for maintenance vendors not fully completing expected work for charged expenses or charging more than lower bids.
10. Would you make changes to how the district chooses legal counsel? If so, how?
Yes, I would send out bids to choose someone without connections to anyone in the administration or board to avoid conflicts of interest while also putting their thumb on the scale for contentious votes in dealing with legal opinions.