McKenzie Flashnick, Lexington One

Name: McKenzie Flashnick District: Lexington One
Contact information:
Phone number: 803-873-7030
Social Media:

School Board Trustee Duties
1. Why are you running for School Board Trustee?

I am a mom, small business owner, and active community member who is passionate about the families that make Lexington County truly special. My eyes were peeled wide open in 2022, when the District announced plans for an elementary school on Corley Mill Road. I felt as though no one at the District was listening - let alone hearing - what stakeholders were saying. When 6 out of 7 board members voted to raise millage, I knew it was time for real change on the board.

2. What is the most important issue facing your school district today or a key problem you want to address?

The most important issue facing Lexington One is making sure education decisions match our community’s values. As a school board member, I will ask the hard questions: Are our solutions effective? Are harmful agendas impacting our children? Is our spending conservative? Do we need so many administrators? Does our existing debt service truly enhance academic outcomes?

3. If you could make only one change, what would you advocate?

Our students' success hinges on the quality of their teachers - teachers who have the children's best interest at heart. Attracting and retaining great educators goes beyond competitive salaries—it's about clear contract language, strong school leadership, autonomy, trust, benefits, work-life balance, and more. I am dedicated to empowering teachers and local administrators by ensuring they have the resources and support they need to educate and inspire our students.

4. What knowledge and skills are currently lacking that you will bring to your School Board of Trustees?

As the owner of three small businesses right here in Lexington, I bring a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to the Lexington One School Board.
I am deeply invested in the well-being of our community. I understand the local economic landscape and the specific needs of our families and students because my businesses are embedded in the fabric of Lexington County.

The day-to-day operations of a small business require creative problem-solving and adaptability. Managing multiple businesses involves careful financial planning and accountability. I have a proven track record of ensuring profitability and financial health, which will be critical in overseeing the district's budget and ensuring that resources are allocated wisely.

I've led teams, built strong relationships, and fostered a collaborative environment. These leadership qualities are essential for working with fellow board members, school administrators, and the community to achieve our educational goals.

5. What does the word “stakeholder” mean to you?

Students, Teachers, Administrators, and Taxpayers.

6. How do you plan to communicate with constituents and how accessible will you be?

My contact information is public and I will be available for in-person meetings, calls, etc. I’ll keep constituents apprised via Facebook, email newsletters, and community meetings.

7. Have you supported millage increases in the past and what are the circumstances where you would support them in the future?

No. Millage increases the burden on our community and small businesses. Lexington One doesn't suffer from a lack of funding but from poor spending decisions.

8. What should be the top funding priorities?

(1) Funding that goes directly to the classroom (2) Teacher recruitment & retention (3) Support Staff (Instructional Assistants, Special Education etc.)

9. It is difficult to get an IEP or 504 for Special Education. How would you address this and how would you support Special Education?

While state and federal laws require the district to inform parents about their rights, I would work to increase awareness for parents and continuing education for educators so both are better equipped. The district should provide parents with clear, accessible guidelines and step-by-step instructions in plain language for requesting an IEP or 504 Plan. The two needs are very different.

10. What are your thoughts on the budget proviso requiring use of restrooms and changing facilities based on birth sex?

Budget proviso 1.120 requires SCDE to withhold 25% of state funds used to support district operations for violations of this policy. Therefore, the district has an obligation to ensure full and technical compliance with this proviso. Students need to use the bathroom/changing facility that matches their birth sex and the district has an obligation to incorporate a clear policy addressing it.

11. Would you make any changes to your district's policy on challenging instructional materials, and if so, what would those changes be?

I support State Superintendent Ellen Weaver’s strong leadership for clear, consistent standards and process. Lexington One is currently going through policy revisions. The first reading was on 8/20. The suggested policy seems cumbersome, difficult for parents, and will require a lot of administrative resources. If a parent wants to review what is being taught, they should have full access. If they want item(s) restricted for their child, they should have that final say.

12. Teachers often complain about the lack of discipline in the classroom, stating that many times students are sent to the principal’s office and promptly returned to the classroom, where the student continues to disrupt the class. As a board member, how would you address student discipline through policy?

School administrators need to handle discipline so that the student isn’t disruptive to other students and so teachers can stay on-task. There should be a clear three-strike policy that is implemented and adhered to.


13. What has been your involvement at a school level and at a Board of Trustee or district level?

I have a Kindergartener at Lake Murray Elementary School and am a new member of the PTA there. Since 2022, I have attended board meetings and actively communicated with board members on issues and policies that I feel need to be addressed.

14. How many board meetings have you attended in person and over how long?

I attended my first board meeting in April 2022 and have attended several meetings and other district & school level functions since. I have watched all of the recordings of the board meetings that I have not been able to attend in person since 2022. I have communicated directly with board members and the superintendent.

15. Have you spoken during citizens’ participation? If so, how often and what topics did you address?

I have not, but I have routinely communicated with the board through email, phone calls and in-person meetings.

16. Have you made SC FOIA records requests for information? If so, what information were you seeking?

I have submitted (2) FOIA requests - one was related to the proposed land deal for a new Corley Mill Road Elementary School. The other was related to P-card expenditures.

17. Have you served on any district boards or committees? If so, which ones?


Get to Know You

18. Do you have kids currently enrolled in Lexington One? If so, which schools do they attend?

I have a Kindergartener at Lake Murray Elementary
If they have graduated, what schools did they attend? N/A

19. What is your current occupation and are your hours flexible?

I own three small businesses in Lexington and have a flexible schedule.

20. What other occupations have you held, if any?

I worked for Gray Television (previously Raycom Media) as the Senior Director of Sales for 10 years. Prior to that, I worked locally as the Digital Sales Manager at WIS-TV and The State Media Company. I have experience managing multiple budget lines totaling more than the current district budget. I have served on many boards over the years and understand how to work with key stakeholders to move the needle forward.

21. How much time do you plan to invest each week in board-related activities?

I'll invest the time it takes to get the job done.

22. Please list your community involvement – previous and current.

I am an active community member who is or has been involved with Zion Lutheran Church, Boy Scouts of America, Lexington Soccer Academy, South Carolina Agritourism Association, United Way of The Midlands, Columbia Museum of Art Contemporaries, Certified SC Grown, Women Owning Woodlands, Columbia Chamber of Commerce, and SC Farm Bureau. I was the treasurer of my HomeOwners Association. I am a 2012 graduate of Leadership Columbia.


23. In an age where partisan politics have crept into K-12 classrooms and boards, how would you describe your position on partisan politics?

The Lexington One board is a non-partisan position. I would uphold our community’s strong values while working in the best interest of the students and my fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers, while keeping in line with budget provisos and state law.

24. Please include any other relevant information not mentioned above.

Lexington One - Specific
1. Do you support districted board seats? Why or why not?

Yes, I would support district board seats. We have attendance areas that are not represented on the board. It would be valuable to have representation from across the district.

2. Do you support the planned 2025 bond referendum?

No. There are still projects from the 2018 bond referendum that haven’t been completed. Additional taxes would create a burden for our community and small businesses. Until district budgeting and spending can be brought under control and maintained at a responsible level, I do not support any additional bond referendums.

3. If the referendum passes in 2025, how would you ensure that projects stay on track both financially and within the scheduled time frame?

The board is responsible for fiscal oversight. There needs to be a board brief weekly with project updates. The board should hire an outside consultant that reports to the board who would oversee these projects, should the referendum pass. There is not currently anyone on the administrative team that has the wherewithal or experience to manage bond referendum projects.

4. What are your thoughts on reporting teachers to the SC Department of Education for breach of contract when teachers do not know how much they will be paid prior to signing their employment contract?

South Carolina is a Right to Work State. The idea that we are reporting teachers for anything other than legal or moral issues is ridiculous. In an environment where there is a teacher shortage, this is a practice that hinders our ability to keep great teachers in the district and state.

5. Do you believe Lexington One would benefit from a forensic audit of financial records?

Yes, the need for a forensic audit is long overdue. I will fully support and push for this as a member of the board.

6. Are you in favor of electing officers by secret ballot? If not, will you go on the record prior to the vote, per policy, to announce that you want a voice vote?

I am not in favor of secret ballots for officers. Yes, I will go on the record prior to the vote to announce that I want a voice vote.

7. How do you plan to communicate with your constituents, including providing nonconfidential information prior to and after meetings since all documents are not made available online?

I will regularly post to campaign Social Media pages and Website.

8. Citizens' participation has been a big topic of discussion, with the board limiting the time of speakers and who is allowed to speak. Currently business owners who pay taxes but do not live in Lexington One are not allowed to speak. In addition, there are several restrictions on the topics speakers are allowed to discuss. What are your thoughts?

If business and property owners are paying taxes but are not allowed to speak or influence decisions, it can be seen as a modern form of "taxation without representation." This has led to a disconnect between those who fund the community and those who make decisions on its behalf. Allowing taxpayers to voice their opinions can lead to better oversight and more responsible decision-making by the board. Limiting participation undermines the principles of fair representation and responsible governance.

9. Currently the public has no way of tracking new positions that have been created or promotions from within. Would you support announcing the positions of the new hires and not just the number of new hires?

Any FTE positions should be a part of the budgeting process and any deviations should require budget amendments throughout the fiscal year. There should be a full list of position titles/expectations by department. This should be a part of the budgeting process (this is the common practice in business).

10. Currently this board has no policy regarding censuring a fellow board member. Are you in support of censuring? How would you address violations of the Ethics Act by a fellow board member, a rogue board member, chronic absenteeism, or a board member that withholds information from other members?

There should be a board policy that addresses what actions would warrant a public censure.

While censure should not be used lightly, it is an important tool for maintaining the integrity and functionality of the board. The board needs to have a clear and concise policy that addresses acceptable behavior and a policy of how to address issues like ethics violations, rogue behavior, absenteeism, and withholding information. These policies are desperately needed for accountability, responsible governance, and the prudent use of resources.

11. Would you support standing committees? If so, what would those committees be?

Yes - At a minimum there needs to be a Finance Committee & Governance/Policy Committee

12. Lexington One does not have an internal auditor and they do not review their monthly budget statements with the Chief Financial Officer during board meetings. Would you support the hiring of an internal auditor? Do you support being briefed on district finances during monthly meetings?

This is THE biggest red flag in Lexington One. Every board that I have been a part of reviews financial statements at the start of the meeting. And, in our own businesses, we review financial statements weekly. The board’s number one job is to manage the finances of the district and the lack of fiscal responsibility is very concerning. If elected, I will work to ensure there is an audit and push hard for agenda structure changes.

13. Currently, all schools in the district are eligible for the federal Community Eligibility Program. The board signed a resolution in June 2024 choosing not to participate in the program, citing a “financial hardship”. Do you support participating in the district-wide no-cost meal program?

The decision to participate in the CEP should be based on a careful consideration of both the immediate financial impact and the potential long-term benefits. If the financial hardship cited by the board is substantial and cannot be mitigated, then opting out may be a necessary choice. However, if the program can be implemented in a way that supports students' needs while maintaining fiscal responsibility, participating in the CEP could be a sound investment in the district's future. However, with the current lack of fiscal transparency from the district it is extremely difficult to know what the best choice is.


Mariel Taylor, Lexington One


Nicholas C. Pizzuti, Lexington One