Nicholas C. Pizzuti, Lexington One

Name: Nicholas C. Pizzuti District: Lexington One

Contact information


Phone number: (803) 600-7029

Website: Under Construction

Social Media: Facebook: Pizzuti for Lexington District One

School Board Trustee Duties

1. Why are you running for School Board Trustee?

As a parent I want what is best for my children, but I also want to make sure every student is given the same opportunity to excel as any other student. We live in a phenomenal district but there is always room for improvement. We need to make sure the teachers and staff have every resource they need to be successful. We need to prioritize the budget to make sure that the areas that need the most are receiving the most. While we cannot stop growth we must learn to plan and manage it.

2. What is the most important issue facing your school district today or a key problem you want to address?

There is not just one issue facing District One, but I will touch on a few. I believe we have an inflated budget that does not prioritize the needs of the classroom. I would like to see a balanced budget based on the actual needs of the district and staff. I would also like to see a better plan for growth. Right now, some schools are already seeing large class sizes. This is a burden to the teachers and takes away from more one-on-one or small group teaching that benefits the students.

3. If you could make only one change, what would you advocate?

Balance the budget to what we have instead of budgeting to what we need or want.

4. What knowledge and skills are currently lacking that you will bring to your School Board of Trustees?

The lessons I have learned throughout my lifetime have prepared me to serve on this board. I am a product of Lexington One and have seen the growth and changes over the years. I have worked in numerous positions that allow me to understand the issues the district is facing. My background in finance will help me to understand and make the hard budget decisions and to be a great steward of the taxpayers’ money. My experience in construction and infrastructure is must needed to deal with the growth the district and county is facing. Finally, my communicationskills will allow me to listen to the stakeholders in the district and be someone who actually listens to the teachers and staff to learn their real needs.

5. What does the word “stakeholder” mean to you?

Everyone in the district is a stakeholder. The school system touches everyone whether they know it or not.

6. How do you plan to communicate with constituents and how accessible will you be?

I plan to be as open as legally possible. The district is a public body, and the public deserves to know the business of the district. After all, the district is using the public’s money.

7. Have you supported millage increases in the past and what are the circumstances where you would support them in the future?

No, I do not believe in raising taxes and would like to see a balanced budget that does not need extra tax revenue.

8. What should be the top funding priorities?

Teachers, staff and actual needs of the classroom.

9. It is difficult to get an IEP or 504 for Special Education. How would you address this and how would you support Special Education?

As I have stated, I believe every child deserves the same opportunity as another. I think ways to address this issue is to look at innovative financing. There are grants and business sponsorship options the district could look at to find extra funding for these services.

10. What are your thoughts on the budget proviso requiring use of restrooms and changing facilities based on birth sex?

As a father of two girls that both play sports, I am in favor of the proviso and would like to see it permanent instead of a yearly proviso.

11. Would you make any changes to your district's policy on challenging instructional materials, and if so, what would those changes be?

Hard to answer this question now with the State taking over for challenging material.

12. Teachers often complain about the lack of discipline in the classroom, stating that many times students are sent to the principal’s office and promptly returned to the classroom, where the student continues to disrupt the class. As a board member, how would you address student discipline through policy?

While a one size fits all is not a good approach for discipline, I believe the teacher should be “backed up” by administrators and accountability of the student must be met.


13. What has been your involvement at a school level and at a Board of Trustee or district level?

I have served on School Improvement Councils and Athletic Booster Clubs in the district.

14. How many board meetings have you attended in person and over how long?

I have attended many board meetings in person over the last 3 years.

15. Have you spoken during citizens’ participation? If so, how often and what topics did you address?

I have spoken every year for the past few years during budget discussions.

16. Have you made SC FOIA records requests for information? If so, what information were you seeking?


17. Have you served on any district boards or committees? If so, which ones?


Get to Know You

18. Do you have kids currently enrolled in Lexington One? If so, which schools do they attend? If they have graduated, what schools did they attend?

Yes, Gilbert High School and Gilbert Middle School

19. What is your current occupation and are your hours flexible?

Interim Director for Local Government Services, SCDOT and yes, I have flexible hours to a degree.

20. What other occupations have you held, if any?

Financial Technician at a nationwide tire wholesaler, CFO and Project Manager of a construction company, Contract Negotiator, SCDOT

21. How much time do you plan to invest each week in board-related activities?

As much as needed to uphold my duties

22. Please list your community involvement – previous and current.

Board of Directors – Mission Lexington, Chairman – Gilber Middle School Improvement

Council, Vice-President - Gilber Athletic Booster Club, Past President – Rotary Club of

Lexington, Past Master – B-L Lodge 138, AFM


23. In an age where partisan politics have crept into K-12 classrooms and boards, how would you describe your position on partisan politics?

Partisan politics do not belong in the classroom period. School is a time for learning and a time for a student to make up their political ideology on their own. With that being said I am a lifelong Republican. I grew up in a time where my first political memory was of Ronald Reagan. In my lifetime I have worked on numerous campaigns for Republican candidates, served as the state chairman of the South Carolina College Republicans and served on National Board for College Republicans. I have continued to serve in my later years as I am the Vice-President of the Gilbert Precinct.


24. Please include any other relevant information not mentioned above.

Lexington One - Specific

1.Do you support districted board seats? Why or why not?

Yes, the district should be divided into high school areas with other at-large positions. This gives every community a voice on the board.

2.Do you support the planned 2025 bond referendum?

Cannot answer as I do not know what items the bond will be used. Never been a fan of going into more debt especially with taxpayer money.

3. If the referendum passes in 2025, how would you ensure that projects stay on track both financially and within the scheduled time frame?

By requiring monthly if not weekly updates on the status of projects. Also making sure the contracts are held accountable and abide by the contract.

4. What are your thoughts on reporting teachers to the SC Department of Education for breach of contract when teachers do not know how much they will be paid prior to signing their employment contract?

We should be setting teachers’ salaries before we hear from the State. If we have to amend the budget down the road then we can. That is already done now.

5. Do you believe Lexington One would benefit from a forensic audit of financial records?

Yes, while this is something that is not needed yearly, the taxpayers deserve to know if their money is being spent wisely.

6. Are you in favor of electing officers by secret ballot? If not, will you go on the record prior to the vote, per policy, to announce that you want a voice vote?

I believe a voice vote should be policy.

7. How do you plan to communicate with your constituents, including providing nonconfidential information prior to and after meetings since all documents are not made available online?

An elected official should always be forthcoming with information that pertains to the public’s business.

8. Citizens' participation has been a big topic of discussion, with the board limiting the time of speakers and who is allowed to speak. Currently business owners who pay taxes but do not live in Lexington One are not allowed to speak. In addition, there are several restrictions on the topics speakers are allowed to discuss. What are your thoughts?

I thoroughly believe any person that pays taxes that goes to the district should be allowed to speak.

9. Currently the public has no way of tracking new positions that have been created or promotions from within. Would you support announcing the positions of the new hires and not just the number of new hires?

I would like to vote separately for admin positions and teacher/staff positions. I would like for admin positions to be announced.

10. Currently this board has no policy regarding censuring a fellow board member. Are you in support of censuring? How would you address violations of the Ethics Act by a fellow board member, a rogue board member, chronic absenteeism, or a board member that withholds information from other members?

Currently, only the governor can remove a board member. I know the current board is discussing policy changes to correct this but my opinion is the board must be able to police itself.

11. Would you support standing committees? If so, what would those committees be?

Do not have an opinion either way on this question. If anything, I believe there should be a budget committee.

12. Lexington One does not have an internal auditor and they do not review their monthly budget statements with the Chief Financial Officer during board meetings. Would you support the hiring of an internal auditor? Do you support being briefed on district finances during monthly meetings?

I would not support the hiring of an internal auditor, not on the merits of it, but because the district office staff is already bloated as it is. I would like to be briefed monthly on the district finances.

13. Currently, all schools in the district are eligible for the federal Community Eligibility Program. The board signed a resolution in June 2024 choosing not to participate in the program, citing a “financial hardship”. Do you support participating in the district-wide no-cost meal program?

If the additional cost did not take away from money to the classroom, I would be for participation. However, when excepting federal dollars comes with accepting federal guidelines. Sometimes that is not always a best-case scenario.


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